
Thursday 31 December 2015


This post is really one big long rant at all the personal annoyances from 2015:

Scotland voted overwhelmingly for the SNP in the General Election and that support seems to be increasing, which is a great thing, however, told you his is a rant, there are a few things that have annoyed me about all this.  The first one is that the Labour Party in Scotland seem to have nothing more to offer Scotland now other than an SNP Bad mentality.  The recent closure of the Forth Road Bridge, which was totally justifiable, was used by Labour to try and make the SNP look incompetent.  If Labour have nothing positive to add to the political landscape in Scotland then they should just shut up shop and leave.  The second aspect of the General Election result was the ridiculous swearing in of the SNP MP's that we had to endure.  I am an SNP supporter but I found the whole thing to be a complete joke and a total embarrassment.  Was it really necessary for them to make such a pig's ear of it all?

On the plus side, they have been a very good Party in opposition maintaining their discipline and Party unity where others have failed.  This is where I have to mention Labour.

Labour don't seem to really know who they are any more.  Their membership overwhelmingly voted for Jeremy Corbyn as leader and yet their Parliamentary membership don't seem to be able to grasp this.  The fiasco over the bombing of Syria was the lowest point this year for them as a Party.  Those MP's that refuse to get behind Corbyn need to be removed.  It's a simple as that.  Labour needs to get its act together and pretty soon, because, their current weakness, if maintained, could condemn the rest of us to another Tory government after 2020.

The Conservatives have shown themselves to be arrogant and ant-democratic.  Their changing of boundaries (to suit them) and their attempts to curb to the House of Lords after the HoL gave them a bloody nose recently angers me.  No one Party should have the power to make such drastic changes for their own political advantage.

England's recent lurch to the right also angers and concerns me.  Whether Tory or UKIP, the English seem to think it's ok to be selfish and xenophobic at the same time.  There is an increase in the support for the UK to leave the EU.  Do the English really believe that leaving the EU will sort out their problems?  Personally, maybe we should concentrate on ensuring that the big companies such as; Google, Apple and Amazon should pay their proper share of taxes.

I'm hoping that 2016 will be better and we'll see a credible Labour Party in West Minster and that they'll start to hold this government to task.

Friday 22 May 2015

A painful night...

I really do need to get into the habit of blogging more (even if I do type a load of rubbish).

It has been a few weeks since the General Election was decided, but I have had to take my time in posting anything about it. 

My first reaction was "what the hell have you done England?" but that's far too simplistic.  In all honesty it was a low night with a few silver linings.  My ward is Wirral West, and Esther McVey was defeated - brilliant.  The second was that incredible set of results from Scotland - well done to the SNP.  Other than those though, it was a really bad night for me and for the whole of the UK as a whole (I'll elaborate later).

The campaigns from the so-called main parties were negative: The Tories frightened enough people in England with an image of the SNP dictating to Labour in government (something that I am convinced Cameron will regret). Miliband tried to pander to 'middle England' far too much.  The LibDems?  Well, their campaign was pointless as everyone except them seemed to think they'd be back in coalition government.

The most worrying trend that came out of the General Election was the four million people that voted for UKIP.  I have no time for UKIP or their policies, but I am really shocked/saddened/disappointed that so many people voted for them.  Owen Jones, the Left-wing commentator seems to think that these people need to be engaged by a positive message, but I think that it's too late for that.

I am not very optimistic about the next five years, and I worry for the state of; education, the NHS and for the community spirit within the UK.  The last time the Tories ran government themselves they almost destroyed the country - now Cameron can let his wrecking ball loose on us.

God help us.

Friday 24 April 2015

Two more weeks to go...

Despite living in England for the past 18 years, I was really hoping that my home country, Scotland, would vote yes in the referendum.  Unfortunately, it was not to be.  Project Fear won the vote…just.

Or did it?

Since that result, the SNP has seen its membership rocket from around twenty thousand to one hundred and five thousand. I am not ashamed to admit that I am one of those new members.  I was numb after the vote and wanted to join the SNP, despite the fact that I live in England.

Now, here we are just over 7 months later and Project Fear II has been launched.


There are a number of reasons:

Nicola Sturgeon, since becoming leader of the SNP has won many admirers.  She was one of, if not thee top performers in the televised leaders debates.  She has received a lot of support on Twitter from people living in England.

All polls seem to suggest that Labour’s Northern British branch (I refuse to call them Scottish Labour) is facing a whitewash with the SNP predicted to take 50 seats and perhaps leaving Labour with or five seats at best.

The so-called big parties of Westminster are in panic mode and are slinging everything they can at Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP. If I was to be completely honest, they are, in truth running Scotland down too. The Tories have; made noises about Westminster holding the Scottish Parliament to account, put up huge posters in England depicting Ed Miliband in Alex Salmond’s pocket (oh how they must have laughed at that one).

They have been so petty that David Cameron would not even share the sofa with Nicola Sturgeon on a recent episode of the Marr Show.

The Right wing press have portrayed Nicola Sturgeon as ‘The most evil woman in Britain’, and so on. Labour and the Tories both claim that a vote for the SNP is a vote for the other Party. I’m sorry, but they can’t both be correct.

All things considered, the SNP have bounced back and in some style.

It really has been exhausting, and there’s still two more weeks to go.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Oh dear...

This rather strange tweet appeared from Kezia Dugdale:

Now, Kezia Dugdale is the Deputy Leader of Scottish Labour and is an MSP for Edinburgh and Lothians.  Still with me? Good.  Now, up until 1992 Scotland had her very own steelworks based at Ravenscraig.  Unfortunately it was closed when the Tories were in government.  Who were the main political party in Scotland at the time though?  Labour!

I find it very strange that she should be gloating about the Scottish government having to use Chinese steel, when she should know that there is no Scottish steel industry left.  I also find it peculiar to say the least that she even seems to be gloating about it.  Recent polls have indicated that Scottish Labour face a complete wipe-out this coming general election.

To be honest, if Kezia Dugdale is an example of what they have to offer, then I’m not surprised.