
Thursday, 22 June 2017

Hold your nerve...

It's taken over a week for me to come to grips with what is going on with politics in the UK as well as Scotland.  I do apologise for this, however, here goes:

Let's get one thing straight right now; despite what many would have us believe, the SNP won the General Election in Scotland.  To win 35 seats after winning the most seats in the Holyrood elections and making gains in the Council elections too, I think it's a great achievement.  So to those who claim that indyref2 is should be taken from the table, I simply say, "get stuffed".  The SNP will never have a clearer mandate that they do right now.

However, I am absolutely furious with the likes of Tommy Sheppard, Kenny MacAskill and the rest who are claiming that Nicola Sturgeon should withdraw indyref2.  Sheppard also makes the ridiculous claim that the Party needs to move further Left, ehm, no Tommy it doesn't.  If he's not happy then he can leave.  Simple as that.  I've never had much time for him anyway.

I have been surprised at how quiet the leadership seems to be at the moment but I trust Nicola Sturgeon's judgement.  This is something I think the Party membership needs to do.

Hold your nerve. 

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Let them have it...

I am sitting here on the other end of a computer staring at a screen and I feel angry, no, make  that...really angry.  Why?  Well, in all honesty, and I can't believe that I am going to be so blunt here, but just how f*****g stupid do people in Scotland need to be that they are happy to tactically vote for a Tory candidate in order to stop an SNP candidate being voted in?  Really!  Please someone tell me!  How stupid are they?

This Tory government are one of the most evil and incompetent government's we have ever had and yet...and yet there are quite a number of clowns out there who are happy to vote for them.  Their contempt for the administrations in Scotland, Ireland and Wales by not even discussing Brexit with them is breathtaking.  Even now,  they still have no idea what they are going to do.  Oh yes, they posture and gesticulate to Europe, and for what?  For May to openly admit that she will walk away with no deal if she has to.  Already there are companies moving their successful businesses to an EU-based country.  This is only going to increase.  We are all going to suffer for this.  But hey, let's vote for them as long as it isn't the SNP.  If you vote for a Tory candidate then you support:
  • The Rape Clause
  • Infants losing their free meal at school
  • Old people having to use their houses as collateral for their care.
But...even more than're a traitor to your own country.  Are you really happy to see Scotland being pulled out of the EU against her wishes in order to stay in the UK?  Are you ready for the job losses, the economic collapse that will happen?  Is the UK worth that much to you?  Your own children's, grand-children's and their children's futures will be very hard and for what?  An incompetent Tory government and a UK that doesn't care about you or your country.

Is it really so bad that the SNP are asking that once we have seen the Brexit deal that the people of Scotland should be able to decide if it's for them by having another referendum?  Is it really that bad?

The trouble is that the SNP have made it very easy for the other Parties to snipe at them because they have, by and large, been very good in not only Westminster, but Holyrood too.  Yes, they have made some mistakes and not everything goes to plan, but, and this is a very big point I have to make here:  they have protected the people of Scotland from the Bedroom Tax, Prescription charges, Uni fees and Winter Fuel Payments.  The NHS in Scotland is the best performing in the whole of the UK.  And still there are ungrateful gits out there moaning.  Even today, Nicola Sturgeon pledged to protect the care for the elderly.  So, I have an idea for the SNP (an idea which they'll rightly ignore) stop protecting Scotland from the worst of this useless government.  Introduce uni fees, prescription charges, means-test Winter-Fuel Payments and bring in the Bedroom Tax.  Let the Scots take the full hit.  Labour, Tories and LibDems won't be able to moan because those are the very policies they defend by wanting Scotland in the UK.  If those policies are good enough for the English and the Welsh then they're good enough for the Scots.

You don't know how good you have it in Scotland, you're spoiled and it's all thanks to successive SNP administrations.  If you want something to moan about come and live down in England, that'll shut you up.  Actually it probably won't, you'd still blame the SNP.

Let them have it Nicola, let them have it all.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

The great unwashed...

Well it would seem that in Scotland, politically at least, the SNP have become the great unwashed. No-one wants to work with them.  Arguably, we could agree that along with the Greens, Labour and the Liberal Democrats, these parties have worked either on the Left or centre Left.  No any more. Labour and the LibDems seem to be rather happy working with the Tories.  Take Aberdeen for example.

You may find these tweets by Guy Ingerson very helpful:

All eyes are on Kezia Dugdale.  What will she do.  To her credit she did say no deals with any Party that supported austerity.  If it were me I’d sack the lot of them. They’ll continue as independents or maybe even join the Tory Party.  I don’t really care, I’m more interested in seeing if she has any moral backbone as a leader.

As for the people of Aberdeen, and really this is a country-wide issue.  If you are stupid enough to vote for Tories and Labour then you’ll get what you deserve.  You were all warned before the Local Elections. Unfortunately, the people in Aberdeen may pay a heavy price.

Monday, 15 May 2017

The Tory cesspit runs deep...

If you don’t already know who this is, please let me introduce you to James Heappey.  Mr Heappey is the Tory candidate for Wells in Somerset.

This ball of charm was talking to a group at an all-girls school, when one of them, who was Scottish, said that she supported independence (wise girl). Did Mr Heappey just have a laugh with her about this? Oh no, not him, this guy decided to tell her to, “f**k off back to Scotland then”.  That’s right, he actually told a school girl to f**k off.  When talking to the Sunday Mirror he said it was meant as a joke and that no offence was intended.

You’d think an ex Army major would have more sense and be a bit more courteous to a young lady. Putting aside the misogynistic attitude of what he said, there lies the more serious problem that the Tories just cannot hide their contempt for Scotland or indeed the Scottish, which begs the question, why would any self-respecting person in Scotland vote for the Conservatives?

I know that the Unionist vote up there seems to be gathering under their banner, but, and again, I have to ask, why would they?  I know that I couldn’t vote for a Party that holds my country in contempt. Indeed just look at the Tory talent-free that is their list MSP’s.  Murdo Fraser and Adam Tomkins. They have never hidden their disdain for Holyrood, yet they don’t seem to  mind taking a very good salary for being members of it.   Yet, and yet, incredibly they are given air time to spout their nonsense.
We have had almost a week of various Tory Councillors either being suspended or getting embroiled in one scandal or another; usually around the topics of racism or sexism.   We have rape-clause Ruth trying to politicise   Irish politics for her own opportunistic gains (she failed rather spectacularly).
I’ve tried to think of reasons why people in Scotland would vote Tory or against independence and I have come to some rather stark conclusions (all of which could be wrong…it does happen from time-to-time). You’ll vote Tory because:
  • You don’t really care about what happens to Scotland at all as long as it stays in the UK.
  • You don’t care that the Tories despise you.
  • You’re British – not Scottish regardless of how ugly being British looks like right now.
If, like me, you wouldn’t vote Tory, even if it was the only option on the ballot, then please, any Unionists who vote Labour, do not, DO NOT, vote for a Party that hates you.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

In truth we fought each other mair...

That title is a line from one of my dad's songs called Scotland Yet.  If you have an interest in Scottish folk music my dad is Davy Steele, and he wrote Scotland Yet just before the vote for devolution.  However, that song seems more relevant today than it did then.

One look at my Twitter feed from last night and this one line came to mind.  Unionists and Independence supporters at each other, and now unfortunately, we see that Unionist or British Nationalists will now vote Tory instead of Labour and LibDem in order to beat the SNP.  I wouldn't, couldn't vote for another Party if it went against my politics.  So shame on those Labour/LibDem supporters who will sell their souls to keep Scotland shackled to the UK.

When I suggested that free uni fees, free prescriptions and the best performing NHS in the UK were good results I was met with:

'Cutting grants means fewer students from poor backgrounds going into University' and 'Nobody who couldn't afford it paid for prescription and now well off folk are getting free toothpaste etc which is wrong'.

Maybe I am wrong, but it seems that if it's a good, working SNP policy then Unionists will still moan, no-matter-what, because people are having no difficulty in voting for a party that wants women to prove that they were raped, has taken mobility cars from the disabled and has implemented policies that has seen a sharp increase in the number of people using food banks, and the list goes on.  Their priorities are completely screwed up.  I don't know what's happening to Scotland, I thought the people there were better than that, evidently I was wrong.

We really do fight each other mair.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Independence or not...

I’m intrigued by this suggestion from Lesley Riddoch.  Is it possible?  Can the SNP and Scottish Green Party have some kind of joint manifesto?

Personally, I remain unconvinced, not out of spite or hatred for either party, far from it.  No, my doubt is there because I wonder what reaction this would get from the supporters of both.

The only question that both sets of supporters need to ask, in my opinion, is this: Do we really want independence?  If the answer is an unequivocal ‘yes’, then there really is only one choice and this is for both sets to vote for the SNP.  In a WM general election the Green vote can only succeed in splitting the votes for pro-independence candidates.

Now, this may not serve democracy, in that choice is being limited, but should the Scottish Green Party sit this one out and urge their supporters to vote for the SNP?  There are calls from Unionists for a Labour/LibDem/Tory attack on the SNP.  To me, every single supporter of independence needs to support the SNP at this one general election.  The ends will justify the means.

So, do they want independence?  Yes or no?

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

The gloves are off...

Bloody hell, I take a few days off for Easter, and missed being able to comment on the great Holyrood boycott from Ruth and her mates.  Ruth Davidson supporting the absolutely ghastly and inhumane rape clause.  Then today, St Theresa of May, she of the 'we are all as one' Party has gone and called a General Election in June.

Down here, in the office, they reckon that May has pulled a blinder and that this will neutralise the SNP in Scotland.  Naturally...I disagree.

In a very short space of time, the people of Scotland need to answer just one question:  what kind of country do I want Scotland to be?

If you are happy to be isolated in the world and tied like some third-rate appendage to England, then vote to stay in the UK.

If however, you want to live in: a forward looking, inclusive, progressive and modern country that makes its own decisions, then it has to be the SNP or the Green Party.

That's it, it's that simple.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017


During this last week I have learnt the value in not under-estimating people, on this particular occasion it happens to be my sever year old son.

Our eldest son is thirteen and is very bright, academically.  However, recently we had a parents evening at the school of our youngest and had a really good talk with his teacher.  We couldn't have been happier at what we were told; he works hard, is really polite, but he is doing really well at his subjects.

He has a bit of a speech impediment and is left-handed, so at times he has found writing awkward.  The quality of his hand-writing though has really improved and he loves English, both written and reading work.  He is, we were told, a bright boy.  

Maybe because he is our youngest, that we've treated him, at times, as if he is still a baby.  Perhaps we've even unconsciously allowed his speech impediment influence the way we look at him?  I don't know.  What I do know is that he is giving it his all at school and is a bright young man.

I won't make the mistake of under-estimating him again.

Monday, 27 March 2017

These excellent videos are worth watching:

Mant thanks to Phantom Power for making these.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

A good bit of intolerance...

Yesterday, I lost some followers on Twitter because I had dared to suggest that the Scottish parliament should not be suspended for the rest of the day but to carry on as usual.

"How dare you, show some respect for the dead" I was told.  The comment that made me really angry was the inference that I was saying it because I wanted the Indy vote to still go ahead, which is utter rubbish.  I live in England and it doesn't affect me one way or the other if that vote had taken place.  I would have said the same thing regardless of what the business of the day was.  How dare someone try and state that about me!

I had every sympathy for what was taking place, and I felt sorry for those that were killed or injured, but, it was not Holyrood that was under attack.  I believe, that in the face of terrorism the best thing to do is carry on our daily business as usual.  If we don't, then terrorism wins - plain and simple.

By all means, disagree with me, but unfollow?  Really?  At a time when the so-called supporters for a new referendum talk about being inclusive and respect those that voted 'No' last time, they unfollow you because they disagree with something one says or thinks.  They don't sound very inclusive to me.  If this is what an independent Scotland would look like, then you know what, I don't want any part of it.

There is no place for intolerance, especially where freedom of speech is concerned.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Here we go...

Well she did it.  Stealing thunder from Theresa Mayhem’s expected announcement on triggering Article 50, Nicola Sturgeon has announced that she will be seeking Holyrood’s permission to hold a second referendum for Scottish independence.

So what now?

The first thing that I hope to see is that people, regardless of who they vote for, realise that this referendum is not about a vote for the SNP but it is a vote for a democratic Scotland.

Secondly, I hope that the Yes movement encompasses those who believe in independence but vote; Tory, Labour and LibDems.  Can you imagine a movement that boasts voters and members from all the main parties in Scotland?  I can, and it’s an awesome thought.

Thirdly, I want to see a much better co-ordinated campaign that is inclusive of not only Bella Caledonia and the likes, but also Stu Campbell of WingsOverScotland.  Like him or loathe him, he can produce some brilliant journalistic pieces that shreds the arguments of those who back the Union.

Lastly, let’s not get involved in any mud-slinging.  Let us focus instead, on uniting and ultimately winning the democratic right to govern ourselves…and yes, get out of this rotten-to-the-core political union.

We can’t scream and shout and call people names when they still, for reasons known only to themselves, cling to the UK.  We all need to show them that there really is a better way.

I don’t think the BBC, Sky or most of the media have learnt anything since 2014, and certainly going by last night’s evidence I would say it might be even worse.  So folks, we need to hold fast, rise above it and win, but win with a smile.

Alba gu brĂ th!

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

The state of this...

The Scottish Tories are full of no marks, this one is no exception to the rule.  I just have one question for Mr Golden; "What promises did Westminster keep exactly?"

Remember when Cameron spoke about EVEL minutes after the referendum result.?  Or how about the so-called vow that never happened?

The UK Gov thought that Scotland would go back into her little box.  I hope that Scotland is about to prove them wrong...and finally...finally, turn her back on this wretched union.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

A valid point...

I'll just leave this here:

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

It's Official...

So…Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are not really all that important when it comes to matters of the UK.  Thank you Supreme Court for clearing that up.

Just what is the UK?  We were told that we were a family, a collective, a better type of togetherness.  Well, I think we can safely say that the cat is out the bag and we really aren’t anything at all.   We can do what we’re told, we can go where we’re told to go, but make our own political decisions?  Hell no!

If today’s decision is not enough to sway any Unionists in Scotland to finally see that they are thought of as nothing more than a subject by the British State and they’d be better off in an independent Scotland, then nothing will, and I will always feel sorry for them.
What now though for the SNP, Greens and the broader Yes movement?

The SNP need to really consider their word carefully and make their next move decisive.  Do they or don’t they push for a second referendum?  Sooner or later (preferably sooner) they are going to have make that decision.

The Greens need to keep doing what they are doing: support where necessary and criticise where it’s warranted.

The Yes movement…hmmm well that’s a completely different puzzle altogether.  It can’t be seen to be centred around the SNP, but at the same time I don’t want to see it hijacked by the vacuous mouth-pieces that are Cat Boyd or Angela Haggerty and their ilk.  Who should head it up?  Finance it?  Give it direction?  When some made the battle cry of ‘get the old band back together’ my initial reaction was ‘No! Let’s not”.  They failed the last time.  They didn’t resonate enough with the public.

The Labour Party in Scotland are in terminal decline, The Conservatives in Scotland are very arrogant considering they have 1 MP and a bunch of list MSP’s, as for the Scottish Liberal Democrats, well, one word sums them up – woeful.  We need to look to the SNP, Greens and any independents to look after the best interests for Scotland.

This really is a crucial time for Scotland.  She’s being pulled out of the EU against her will, she’s been slapped down and told that her voice, where Brexit is concerned, is not important.

What happens here, today, will determine the type of country that Scotland will be in the future.