
Monday 27 March 2017

These excellent videos are worth watching:

Mant thanks to Phantom Power for making these.

Thursday 23 March 2017

A good bit of intolerance...

Yesterday, I lost some followers on Twitter because I had dared to suggest that the Scottish parliament should not be suspended for the rest of the day but to carry on as usual.

"How dare you, show some respect for the dead" I was told.  The comment that made me really angry was the inference that I was saying it because I wanted the Indy vote to still go ahead, which is utter rubbish.  I live in England and it doesn't affect me one way or the other if that vote had taken place.  I would have said the same thing regardless of what the business of the day was.  How dare someone try and state that about me!

I had every sympathy for what was taking place, and I felt sorry for those that were killed or injured, but, it was not Holyrood that was under attack.  I believe, that in the face of terrorism the best thing to do is carry on our daily business as usual.  If we don't, then terrorism wins - plain and simple.

By all means, disagree with me, but unfollow?  Really?  At a time when the so-called supporters for a new referendum talk about being inclusive and respect those that voted 'No' last time, they unfollow you because they disagree with something one says or thinks.  They don't sound very inclusive to me.  If this is what an independent Scotland would look like, then you know what, I don't want any part of it.

There is no place for intolerance, especially where freedom of speech is concerned.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Here we go...

Well she did it.  Stealing thunder from Theresa Mayhem’s expected announcement on triggering Article 50, Nicola Sturgeon has announced that she will be seeking Holyrood’s permission to hold a second referendum for Scottish independence.

So what now?

The first thing that I hope to see is that people, regardless of who they vote for, realise that this referendum is not about a vote for the SNP but it is a vote for a democratic Scotland.

Secondly, I hope that the Yes movement encompasses those who believe in independence but vote; Tory, Labour and LibDems.  Can you imagine a movement that boasts voters and members from all the main parties in Scotland?  I can, and it’s an awesome thought.

Thirdly, I want to see a much better co-ordinated campaign that is inclusive of not only Bella Caledonia and the likes, but also Stu Campbell of WingsOverScotland.  Like him or loathe him, he can produce some brilliant journalistic pieces that shreds the arguments of those who back the Union.

Lastly, let’s not get involved in any mud-slinging.  Let us focus instead, on uniting and ultimately winning the democratic right to govern ourselves…and yes, get out of this rotten-to-the-core political union.

We can’t scream and shout and call people names when they still, for reasons known only to themselves, cling to the UK.  We all need to show them that there really is a better way.

I don’t think the BBC, Sky or most of the media have learnt anything since 2014, and certainly going by last night’s evidence I would say it might be even worse.  So folks, we need to hold fast, rise above it and win, but win with a smile.

Alba gu brĂ th!