
Saturday 19 October 2013

Scotland Yet...


I was born and bred in Scotland. I moved to England almost 17 years ago, and yet, now, after all this time, my thoughts drift to a song written and performed by my dad. He was a folk singer and his name is Davy Steele. He was passionate about Scotland and Independence. He wrote a song called, 'Scotland Yet'. The lyrics are:

'Gie noo a thocht to what we hae in this land o’ the leal 
The Highland glen, the Doric stream the fertile Lowland field
They seem tae offer different views when looked at from within
Can strangers be the only eyes to see us a’ as yin 

Chorus The choice will be upon us soon, tae set oor destiny
I’ll drink a toast tae Scotland yet whatever yet may be

Oor mither tongue spoke different weys that past tae present ties
Each separate and yet entwined that’s where oor real strength lies
For should one strand unwind itself the others tae forsake
Then a’ would be forever lost fur a’ the strands would break

While we still seek to blame oor woes and pains on someone else
We’ll never have the strength tae solve oor problems for ourselves 

In truth we fought each other mair learn this from oor past
Then together we can choose fur oorsells at last'

I think this is an exciting for the people of Scotland, and by that I mean everyone who lives there regardless of their country of origin.

The debate has not quite set fire yet in England, but from what I read this is basically how I see it. The 'No' campaign has been one of negativity and a great deal of scaremongering. The 'Yes' campaign seems like it wants to engage as many people as it can in this very important debate.

I remember that a few months before dad was told he had tumours in the brain, we had a discussion about this song.  I had asked him why he never performed it any more on stage. His reply was that the people of Scotland had made their choice with devolution. He had felt that politicians had spoiled a political movement he had been involved in (I am sorry but I have forgotten the name of it).

So, if there any piece of useful advice I would give to the people of Scotland, it is this; please don't allow the politicians to hijack this debate. Like dad, I would like to see an independent Scotland. A country that has it's own Parliament, voted by and for the people.

So here's a toast to Scotland yet, whatever yet may be!

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